KSRTC Kanhangad-Pathanamthitta SUPER FAST
Loading VIA => - Kanhangad - Cherupuzha - Kannur - Kozhikode - Thrissur - Ernakulam - Kottayam - Pathanamthitta
Nearest KSRTC Bus station is : Kanhangad
contact office : ๐Ÿ“ž 04672217055
Bus Branch Manager : ๐Ÿ“ž 04672200055
Running as of 16-05-2024
Useful Info: 30
Wrong Info: 2
Stop Time

expected timings only.

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Kbuses is an app that provide bus timings based on crowd sourcing data on top of data from official sources. We are always trying to get better with the accurate timings as much as possible, and add more routes and schedules. If you find any missing or incorrect data about this bus, please feel free to reach out us. Your feedback might be helpful for others.